Scripture of the day

John 7:24 (NKJV)

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

Ministry of the Day

GO International

Shaking the Heavens Prayers

Truth | North Korea

Thank you for shaking the heavens and being faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do. Unity cannot happen without you!

Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you. You can use the prayer below for some guidance if needed. If you know anyone struggling with the ailment we’re praying for pray over them and lay hands on them as the word tells us.


Lord, You are the way, the truth, and life. We ask that all people, all Your creation will find You and the truth in every situation. Lord, help us all to discern right from wrong and help us all to act on right, not wrong. Forgive us where we have lied and strayed from Your path we forgive those who have done so as well. Only let the truth be spoken by all and let the good news, the gospel of Jesus, the word of God, the only truth be revealed to all.

North Korea

Lord, we pray for North Korea and ask that You make Your presence known in this country and make Yourself known to all its people and leaders. We ask for divine and miraculous meetings between You and them that they will see You, accept You and chase after You that they will govern and walk in Your ways. Lord, we ask that You provide the needs of the people and let them know that You are the ruler over all, that You are the provider, the healer, everything they could ever need. Place a faith in this country that is beyond measure and heal the sick, oppressed, hurting, and helpless. Father, protect Your people from harm and give them supernatural safety. Help all to see You and know You. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

REMEMBER TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND MAKE THE PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE GO VIRAL! Join us again tomorrow and bring unity to the body and His kingdom.

Prayer provided by:

Shaking the Heavens

Ministry of the Day:

GO International

Song of the Day:

Empty: Slow Death By Fluorescent Lighting

Verse of the Day:

John 7:24 (NKJV)

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

For more information on how it works visit

Song of the Day

Empty: Slow Death By Fluorescent Lighting