We are all in this together and we need your help, your thoughts, and your passion. Submit your prayer, ministry, or favorite song to be highlighted with the daily prayer. We want to honor those that are honoring the Lord with their gifts and calling and come together as one.
** Shaking the Heavens does not receive anything from the artists and ministries that we highlight. We do this to honor their faith and obedience in following the path God has put in front of them. Please give them a chance, check them out, and support their ministry if you feel led.
The power of those who have had victory through faith and overcome a situation will impart that faith into others.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit a ministry that honors Christ in what they do and reaches people with the message of salvation and for the glory of the Kingdom of God.
Submission Guidelines:
If you are a ministry and want to learn more on partnering with us check out our partner page.
Submit a song that gives honor, praise, and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Submission guideline:
If you are an artist and want to learn more about partnering with us and bring unity to the body please check out our partner page.