Faith Test: Who gets the Glory?
When an issue comes up we typically act quickly to solve the problem, to take away the pain. We sweep the dirt under the rug
Revival, Revolution, we call it both, a Revivolution™! So what is revivolution™? Simply, revivals are an awakening which is something we all want and know this world needs. But, if you are like us we don’t want an awakening and everyone just go back to sleep like has happened throughout history.
We want to see a change, a change that remains and reshapes the world. This only happens with a change in lifestyle, a change in thought process, a change in the way things are done. It is time for us to fight, to fight against the powers and principalities that have destroyed our world and its people. It’s time to live the way God intended us to live as one in spirit and in truth.
Join with us to make these changes in our daily lives and those around us. Only when we start acting as ONE, will we see His kingdom come and will be done on eart as it is in heaven. Without you, without us, uniting as ONE, we cannot change anything.
Revivals come and go, Lifestyles last forever.
The word is clear that without faith it is impossible to please God. Generations have passed and we still have not seen His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
So what does the kingdom of God look like? We are not 100% sure but we know this: Poverty, racism, sickness, disease, addiction, stress, as well as many other infirmities DO NOT exist there.
Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. His promises are always yes and amen. The things that hold us back are faith and obedience (or lack thereof).
God’s people could not get to the promised land because of their disobedience to God’s direction. They did what they wanted and walked right out of God’s will to the point where God would not allow them to enter. It wasn’t until their generation died off that a new generation could rise up in faith and obedience and enter the promised land.
We can no longer sit by and accept the way things are and how they have been. We can no longer play church, we need to live it. We need to be ONE, as His desire is for us. God has blessed each one of us with a gift(s). We need to use those gifts for His glory and the glory of the kingdom. If there is uncertainty in what those gifts are we need to seek Him, we need to knock and break down the door and show Him we want everything He has for us.
We need to let go of our selfish ambitions and work together allowing Him to bring His kingdom to earth just as it is in Heaven. We can do this by letting go of ourselves and focusing on Him. We need to focus in on His word and build our faith. We need to forget the law and the different theologies, Jesus conquered that on the cross and took them to the grave. He rose up and left them behind and brought life to us all everlasting, if we believe with unwavering faith.
When an issue comes up we typically act quickly to solve the problem, to take away the pain. We sweep the dirt under the rug
If you believe in Jesus Christ you need to read this.
The impact the Coronavirus has had on the world is unreal, I personally did
How many times have you prayed to God for an answer and He put it right in front of you and you didn’t take it?
To all believers in Jesus Christ,
It’s Time for War! A Call to Action!
Death, sickness, and disease have always weighed heavy on my heart