Scripture of the day

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.

Song of the Day

Big Tent Revival: Here With Me

Shaking the Heavens Prayers

Self Control | Israel

Thank you for shaking the heavens and being faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do. Unity cannot happen without you!

Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you. You can use the prayer below for some guidance if needed. If you know anyone struggling with the ailment we’re praying for, pray over them and lay hands on them as the word tells us.

Father God, we praise You and live to honor You. Please forgive us for where we have fallen short and help us to get back on the perfect path You have chosen for us.  We thank You for continually watching over us and protecting us and providing for our every need. You are a great and mighty God and we love You!

Self Control

Father, we ask for strength, strength to fight and overcome the temptation and control ourselves from giving in to the devil’s plan. Help us to have confidence and faith in every situation to keep us from giving in. Convict us before we face each situation that we instantly turn away from evil and anything destructive trying to invade our lives.


Lord, we lift up Israel to You. Move in this land like never before. Lord, anyone and anything that is hurting in this country we ask now in Your name that You wrap Your arms around them and love on them. Lord, open their eyes so they can see Your love and open their hearts so they can feel it. Move in the leaders and the government that all will bow before You and honor You to bring this country to a place of peace overflowing. Heal the sick and broken hearted and provide every need for every person. Pour out new life and prosperity to everyone as they seek Your face and come to know Your awesome love. Thank You Father God for Your love and kindness to all. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen.

REMEMBER TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND MAKE THE PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE GO VIRAL! Join us again tomorrow and bring unity to the body and His kingdom.

Prayer provided by:

Shaking the Heavens

Ministry of the Day:


Song of the Day:

Big Tent Revival: Here With Me

Verse of the Day:

Psalm 34:7 

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.

#Christians #Praying the #Kingdom of #Jesus in #Faith and #Unity for #SelfControl and #Israel

For more information on how it works visit

Ministry of the Day


Shaking the Heavens Prayers

Knowledge | Grenada

Thank you for shaking the heavens and being faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do. Unity cannot happen without you!

Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you. You can use the prayer below for some guidance if needed. If you know anyone struggling with the ailment we’re praying for, pray over them and lay hands on them as the word tells us.


Father God, gives a teachable spirit that desires to learn and grow in all the ways that You set in front of us. Let us not fear trying new things as long as they fall in line with Your will for our lives and give us the ability to grasp and hold on to the knowledge You put in front of us. Help us to learn Your word and Your ways with knowledge and understanding and the ability to use wisdom with the knowledge that You give us. As our knowledge increases, give us the faith,confidence, and strength to use it with wisdom in every situation.


Lord, we lift up Grenada to You. Move in this land like never before. Lord, anyone and anything that is hurting in this country we ask now in Your name that You wrap Your arms around them and love on them. Lord, open their eyes so they can see Your love and open their hearts so they can feel it. Move in the leaders and the government that all will bow before You and honor You to bring this country to a place of peace overflowing. Heal the sick and broken hearted and provide every need for every person. Pour out new life and prosperity to everyone as they seek Your face and come to know Your awesome love. Thank You Father God for Your love and kindness to all. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen.

REMEMBER TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND MAKE THE PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE GO VIRAL! Join us again tomorrow and bring unity to the body and His kingdom.

Prayer provided by:

Shaking the Heavens

Ministry of the Day:

Global Heart Ministries

Song of the Day:

Rebecca St. James: Pray

Verse of the Day:

Psalm 34:6 

This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.

#Christians #Praying the #Kingdom of #Jesus in #Faith and #Unity for #Knowledge and #Grenada
For more information on how it works visit

Scripture of the day

Psalm 34:6

This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles.

Ministry of the Day

Global Heart Ministries

Song of the Day

Rebecca St. James: Pray

Shaking the Heavens Prayers

Virtue | Eswatini

Thank you for shaking the heavens and being faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do. Unity cannot happen without you!

Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you. You can use the prayer below for some guidance if needed. If you know anyone struggling with the ailment we’re praying for, pray over them and lay hands on them as the word tells us.


Father God, the author of our life, we submit to You and Your will. Help us Lord in every situation to move with virtue, with the moral and godly standards that You set forth for Your creation. Help us Lord to be an example of Your great love and kindness to all. As we work, we work for You, not for man. You know all and see all and remind us of that every breath we take. Help us to see and act as You would and as You desire us to without second guessing and without selfish manipulative ambition. Let us be a light in this world that will honor You and show Your glory to all.


Lord, we lift up Eswatini to You. Move in this land like never before. Lord, anyone and anything that is hurting in this country we ask now in Your name that You wrap Your arms around them and love on them. Lord, open their eyes so they can see Your love and open their hearts so they can feel it. Move in the leaders and the government that all will bow before You and honor You to bring this country to a place of peace overflowing. Heal the sick and broken hearted and provide every need for every person. Pour out new life and prosperity to everyone as they seek Your face and come to know Your awesome love. Thank You Father God for Your love and kindness to all. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen.

REMEMBER TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND MAKE THE PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE GO VIRAL! Join us again tomorrow and bring unity to the body and His kingdom.

Prayer provided by:

Shaking the Heavens

Ministry of the Day:

Denver Institute of Faith and Work

Song of the Day:

Considering Lily: Great Big God

Verse of the Day:

Psalm 34:4 

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.

#Christians #Praying the #Kingdom of #Jesus in #Faith and #Unity for #Virtue and #Eswatini
For more information on how it works visit

Scripture of the day

Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears.