Ministry of the Day

Key Life

Scripture of the day

Ephesians 4:7

Ephesians 4:7

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

Song of the Day

Anberlin: Hearing Voices

Shaking the Heavens Prayers

Doctors and Nurses | Uruguay

Doctors and Nurses | Uruguay

Thank you for shaking the heavens and being faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do. Unity cannot happen without you!

Pray as the Holy Spirit guides you. You can use the prayer below for some guidance if needed. If you know anyone struggling with the ailment we’re praying for pray over them and lay hands on them as the word tells us.

Doctors and Nurses

Father, we lift up all doctors and nurses across the world. Lord we ask that Your Spirit enter them and guide them with each and every patient that through their hands You heal and make them glorify Your name, not their own. Father, we ask that You watch over them and keep them safe and healthy so that they can do Your work and concentrate as they invest their time and knowledge into Your people. Lord, we ask that You give them a new heart and a new compassion for their work and let them know that You as well as all the earth thanks them for service and care. Lord, for those that don’t know You bring people into their lives that will share and give them a heart and wisdom to accept You as their Lord and Savior.


Lord, we lift up Uruguay to You and ask that you raise up a people that will lead this country into your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Lord watch over and protect all of the people and provide their every need that they come to know You and Your ways for their lives. Help them to see You in everything and give them the tools and resources to have a stronger relationship with You. Father protect and heal all those who need it and show them Your ways. Stir up their Spirit Lord and bring new life to this country. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen

REMEMBER TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND MAKE THE PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE GO VIRAL! Join us again tomorrow and bring unity to the body and His kingdom.

Prayer provided by:

Shaking the Heavens

Ministry of the Day:

Key Life

Song of the Day:

Anberlin: Hearing Voices

Verse of the Day:

Ephesians 4:7

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
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